Monday, November 16, 2009

Today... an incredibly long day. it's most insufferable. *sigh*


...sometimes you have to do some...albeit unwillingly.
the vision board has been moved into the bedroom. last and first thing i see.
the calendar on the berry is back in use -- clearly, planning for things like exercise is the way to go. duh.
the need for committement and discipline are forefront in my mind.
the drive for 'a different way' is propelling me forward.

all of this combined with my quest to secure my future.

good monday morning...*sigh*...

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Mobile Random...

For some reason I thought drinking hot chocolate before bed was a good idea. After 2 glasses of pinot noir. Thus, my being up @ 4 a.m.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Mobile Random

So. Today, I was going to fast. I *was* fasting. Until about an hour ago. #FML

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Do You...?

~ Wonder about the future and what it may hold? (wonder, not worry!)

~ Wish you could borrow someone's cute kid for a day or two...just long enough to spoil them, shower them with kisses, and, then give them back when they start "ackin" up?

~ Express your love, on the regular, to those people who hold a special place in your heart ?

~ Live each day as if it were your last?

~ Laugh really hearty about something every day?

~ Sleep well every night knowing that you gave your all?

Just wondering...if you do...

A Coin-ki-dinky...????

[originally posted 7/3/06 on my other blog]

I rec'd this via email from one of my girlz...what a coincedence, right?? 
Sorry, fellahz...I had to share this one with the Ladies of Xanga...

CAPTION:  "What Women Want..."

rejection... supposed to be God's protection, right?

i have to believe that He is working this thing out for my good. that's not even a question. it's not. it just that at moments like this...the human part of me wonders...

ahhh. i can't even write this right now.